#10 Sing Broadway style… “There’s noooo Drama like SLDrama, Like nooooo Drama I know!!!”
#9 All SLDrama references to “High School” or “Childish” are moot, SLdrama sadly is ageless.
#8 Any anti-drama notes on a profile, means they are in it hip deep.
#7 Marking a message/plurk/notecard/etc. as private is code to spread this around as much as you can
#6 If are in the drama and you took the drama from “Private” to “Public” yourself NO MATTER WHAT you lose.
#5 If you are mentioned in the SlDrama, not responding or responding late in the game is your worse option, you will only look more and more “guilty”.
#4 If you are mentioned in the SlDrama, Responding to the drama once, right away, accurately outlining your side, then not entering it again is the best you can hope for.
#3 If you are mentioned in the SLDrama, Responding to the drama once, right away, accurately outlining your side, then not entering it again is the most unsatisfying way to go.
#2 Rehashing the SLDrama over and over and over… Fail… no matter how good it feels. Just drop it!
#1 SlDrama vultures, and other fans of it, circling around and clamoring for more, you drive the engine of SLDrama. Without you there is no real SLDrama. Congratulations.